All Diving Operations are performed in accordance with SS511:2018 Regulations of Singapore.
The Propeller is usually an unpainted area located at the Stern so it accumulates the Marine Biofouling quicker than the Hull with the passage of the time and usually results in excessive
Engine Slip.
Ship Owner and Managers actively arrange Propeller Super Polishing after every Six Months
in order to increase the Efficiency of the moving vessel.
Mola Subsea Service’s professionally trained and experienced divers use hydraulic hand
motors fitted with various coarse ‘’3M’’ polishing pads. The final surface roughness is a Grade
‘’A’’ on the Rupert’s Comparator Scale. A
Detailed Technical report will be submitted after completion.


Please feel free to contact us for an instant quote

110 Tuas South Ave 3, #03-14 The Index, Singapore 637369
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